The ongoing saga of Spotify on Arch

In AUR the spotify PKGBUILD has been brought up to which is the same as the spotify-beta PKGBUILD.  It looks like the difference between the two is the spotify PKGBUILD does not download a set of Ubuntu deb files for libraries that Spotify’s deb looks for, instead it relies on native Arch libraries.  Personally I’m still using the spotify-beta PKGBUILD, it works just fine.  With Spotify using Ubuntu as its base platform Arch’s rolling release may get libraries too far out in front of what Spotify is looking for.  Having a set of libraries that are all but guaranteed to work just saves a headache.  Ideally though Spotify would opensource its client and we can compile against any library our heart desires but that ain’t gonna happen.


“Ain’t” and “gonna” are in Chromium’s spellcheck dictionary.  But spellcheck isn’t.  Weird.

  1. that’s because it’s ‘spell-check’ not ‘spellcheck’

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